New Reports Expose Biden’s Visit to North Carolina Delayed Crucial Aid Efforts


Joe Biden made a trip to North Carolina, which was devastated by Hurricane Florence on Wednesday. He had been criticized for his decision to remain on the beach during the weekend when people were dying. He flew over the area.



He didn’t even meet any of the victims.


Kamala Harris also offered immediate assistance of $750. She said they could apply online. Many people lost everything, couldn’t apply online, and still do not have power. The Biden-Harris campaign’s decision to give $750 in response to the millions of dollars they were giving the Ukraine and illegal aliens, sparked a lot of anger.


Biden took his time ordering federal troops to assist.


There are reports now that Biden has delayed the aid effort because of his Wednesday visit to North Carolina.


Because of the ruined roads and the fact that many people in need of help are in difficult-to-reach places, it is necessary to fly in a large amount of help.


The Blaze correspondent Julio Rosas who covered rescue operations in this area:




After talking with locals in North Carolina and volunteers, despite Biden’s claim that his visit would not impact rescue/aid operations there, his visit has halted/delayed those operations due to the no-fly zones.


This was a big problem because some communities are only accessible by air.


I can confirm that Biden’s trip delayed operations, as the helicopter team with which I was flying had to wait outside the TFR after a supply drop for two hours. We are about to fly again for another drop.


Rosas’s report was also supported by Rep. Cory Mills, R-FL. Mills, a Florida Republican Representative, has been helping and providing assistance by helicopter in the area affected by Hurricane Irma for the past few days. Mills is a great example of a “public servant”. He has also posted daily reports about what is happening.


Mills stated that the Biden flight restriction that was placed on the area about four hours earlier had slowed their progress.



Mills called it “irresponsible”, and even said that “Search and Rescue” had been grounded. Mills also criticized FEMA for failing to respond appropriately, forcing private and individual organizations to fill in the gaps to help those affected. Mills said that if FEMA wasn’t doing their job, then they shouldn’t interfere with the organizations who were working.