How long ago was the Biden coup that handed Kamala Harris the Democratic nomination instead of Joe? Eighteen days?

JD Vance, the running mate of former President Donald Trump, has been berating her for her inability to answer questions, give interviews, or explain her position on certain issues. She’s embraced Joe Biden’s basement strategy.

On Thursday, however, the reporters finally got to ask Kamala a few questions. She answered a few questions, but as expected, gave non-answers.

She was asked to comment on the scandal involving Tim Walz, her choice for vice president, and his remarks about his military service. She was asked by a reporter about the questions about Tim Walz’s National Guard career. You would have thought that this would require a comprehensive response, but she didn’t give one. It wasn’t a very good “non-answer.”

Harris responded: “I think we should all praise those who have offered to serve the country.”

Was that an answer to a question or a response to concerns about Walz’s false remarks? The scandal of stolen valor is also obscuring many other concerns that have been raised about Walz’s radical views. Was he even vetted? It’s not the case.

Harris was asked whether she would be giving any interviews. Trump has done a good job of forcing the media to ask her the question. His plan to use his press conference earlier on worked. Her response again showed how stupid she is.

She told me that she would interview me before “the end of the month.” August 8th.

Does it take her that long to arrange an interview where she can get some softball questions from a friend? A month? Will she have a full month to deal with a world crisis if World War III breaks out and she needs to speak to Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping at the same time?

Who needs to spend a whole month to prepare for a simple interview on TV? Trump proved that he could do it on a moment’s notice. You know it’s probably true–she’s scared and believes she needs to prepare. In the few interviews she has done, she has been decimated. Who could ever forget her infamous answer about whether she had been to the border?