RNC Fights Back: Lawsuit Filed Against NC Absentee Ballot Policy in Election Fraud Battle


The conservatives learned from the post-mortem on the 2020 presidential election cycle that we must do more to combat the Left’s attempts to cheat elections.

The Republican National Committee’s (RNC) leadership did not seem to take the issue of fraud in the general election as seriously as they should have. This was aided by Democrat efforts regarding absentee or mail-in votes.

Many readers will know that the National Party has changed leadership this spring. It is now led by Trump’s allies Michael Whatley, chairman, and Lara Trump, co-chairperson.

There’s a new positive update. This time, the RNC is taking a metaphorical brush to the issue of rampant election fraud in several states.

The RNC has been preparing for the November elections by protecting voter integrity. As Katie reported, the RNC won a big victory last month in Pennsylvania because of mail ballots.

Downs said that the group had stayed above the target and is now moving on to another state for its willful use of “unlawful’ policies on absentee votes in hopes of swinging a swing state in November into the Democrat victory column:

The RNC announced on Thursday that it, along with the North Carolina GOP, and a North Carolina resident, had filed a suit against the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) for its policy regarding absentee votes.

A press release stated that such a policy would “disregard election laws, which require absentee ballot envelopes to be sealed for the ballots to count.” It is also important to note that this policy “violates North Carolina law and weakens the safeguards for absentee ballots.”

Bobby Kennedy Jr. filed a lawsuit against NC’s Board of Elections.

The RNC press release went on to say that the NC Democrat officials’ policy “directly conflicted” with the state law which dictates how ballots are secured after they arrive at the department.

The revised Numbered Memo says that absentee votes do not have to be returned to the election office in sealed containers-return envelopes to count. This policy is in direct conflict with statutes that state absentee votes must be returned in sealed container-return envelopes.

Downs summarizes the actions of both the Republican Party and the State Board of Elections that led to the lawsuit here.

….[On May 20, the RNC, NCGOP, and National Republican Congressional Committee requested a Declaratory Decision from the NCSBE about whether the instructions to Numbered memo 2021-03 are contrary to state law.]

She wrote that the Board “issued an opinion” in just over a week.

In a press release issued on Thursday, Chairman Whatley explained the lawsuit and reiterated the RNC’s commitment to “fight for election integrity”:

This decision conflicts with state law, and it reduces protections of absentee votes. We filed suit to protect election integrity and safeguards for ballots. State law sets out requirements that the NCSBE is required to follow. We will continue our fight for election integrity throughout the Old North State.”

Stories like those about PA and NC are encouraging, especially since the election is just a hop away. In the past, the words of Republican leaders were often just that – mere words, scrawled in stern letters addressed to corrupt members of progressive bodies such as the U.S. Senate, or the White House, and its useless, corrupt henchmen. It’s a small sign that we are moving in the right direction to ensure every legal vote in 2024 counts. Stay tuned, as we say sometimes!