Remember in high school when you were taught that we rebelled because we believed in freedom and did not believe in “kings”, “monarchs”, or “monarchs”, who took their power without earning it? We believed a leader must be someone close to the people, not a distant autocrat ruling from a golden throne.

These rules don’t apply to the Incredibly Shrinking President Joe Biden who is on a permanent vacation, at taxpayers’ expense. Let’s get out of the way! Watch as the Secret Service, whose reputation has dived this summer, pushes Americans aside to allow Jill to buy another dress that looks ugly:


Since Joe Biden handed over the reins to his unaccomplished Vice President, Kamala, and quit his presidential reelection bid, he’s virtually disappeared from the world stage, even though major conflicts continue in the Middle East and Ukraine. While Joe Biden is at the beach, one wonders who is running the country.

The president is “really” busy:

Biden has declared that ending the Gaza war is his number one goal before his term ends. Yet, he’s been on vacation after vacation as the Middle East grows more volatile. Biden announced on Sunday, 21st July that he was withdrawing from the presidential race in 2024 and that he had endorsed Kamala Harri. According to White House pool reports, since then, Biden has taken two vacations and spent each weekend at either his vacation home at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware or at the presidential retreat Camp David.

We are in a very dangerous situation, as we do not seem to have an effective commander-in-chief. Our enemies know that our president, who is permanently off duty and compromised, is not capable of doing the job. While it is fun to make fun of Kamala Harris for her endless cackling, and laugh-out-loud word salads, on a somberer note, she has repeatedly proven that she’s not up to the job. No foreign leader will take her seriously. Both Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping probably laugh in their boots when they think of any confrontation. They are cold-hearted, clear-eyed realists who know that repeating “joy” or “happiness” is not enough to make a foreign policy.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have orchestrated a coup to remove a president in office, and then install their candidate. The Democrats may be sly and clever, but they forgot one important thing. We need a competent president in the White House to guide us through these dangerous times.

We don’t currently have one.