Starbucks Corporation prides itself on its open-minded, woke environment and welcoming spirit. Some Starbucks stores have become gang hangouts, and have been used as safe havens by drug dealers and other criminals.

Starbucks will close 16 stores in the coming weeks due to workers reporting open drug and criminal activity. Starbucks will close six stores in Seattle and Los Angeles, two in Portland, Ore., as well as one location in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., by the end of the month.

After an incident in 2018 that went viral involving two black customers who were asked to leave when they didn’t purchase anything, the company closed all 4,000 stores in the U.S. for a day of “racial bias training.” The company also opened their restrooms to all — customers or not. The result was predictable.

Wall Street Journal:

Starbucks stated that it will allow store managers to limit the number of people in restrooms and reduce operating hours if necessary to address safety concerns. According to the company, these moves are part of its policies that address workers’ concerns including safety.

The spokeswoman stated that managers can still change the layout of stores, such as limiting customer seating. The company promised additional training for baristas on how to handle active shooter situations and de-escalation at the workplace.

In a Monday letter to employees, Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, stated that the business was not designed to meet the changing needs, behaviors and expectations of customers or partners. Most of the complaints came from employees who felt unsafe at Starbucks.

Residents in Seattle will see six stores close.


It’s yet more proof that the city must keep its residents and businesses safe.

Serena Law stated, “Get better leadership and do something.” Let’s enforce the city ordinances. Let’s give back the police their power. Let’s bring the city back together, it’s so sad right now.

KOMO News reached Mayor Bruce Harrell’s Office to inquire about the closures. His office sent KOMO News a statement saying that “Mayor Harrell is committed to making Seattle a safe place for residents, workers, and employers.” Although long-standing problems cannot be resolved overnight, the mayor will continue his innovative public safety improvement efforts by addressing crime and investing in community-based solutions. Mayor Harrell believes that every business, regardless of its size, should feel supported, heard, and safe as part of a vibrant, thriving Seattle economy.

“Restoring staffing” in the police department Moron, who cut the staff? Mayor Harrell is an expert in doublespeak (“activating neighborhood and business districts”), but when it comes to doing what’s necessary for residents’ safety — there’s no way.