The World Bank’s New Focus On Climate Threatens World’s Poorest Nations, Researchers Say


The World Bank’s plans to concentrate future efforts on climate changes will have a significant negative impact on the poorest clients nations, despite these same countries repeatedly stating that they prefer that the bank focus other issues. This is according to research by the Center for Global Development (CGD), Thursday.

Ajay Banga, former MasterCard CEO, was named by the Biden administration as the nominee to succeed David Malpass, Trump’s appointee as president of The World Bank. This is a crucial step in Trump’s efforts to reorient the agency away from poverty prevention and to take more climate action. According to the GCD researchers, only 6% of 43 clients’ representatives cited climate change as one their top three concerns. This was based on a review of survey results conducted by the World Bank between 2020 and 2021.

David Malpass is Adele Malpass’ husband.

The researchers concluded that combating climate change is a global problem that will have a significant impact on the poorest countries. It is important to listen to Bank clients, particularly in poorer countries. It would be hypocrisy to turn your back on clients to help you refocus on a problem they didn’t create.

According to the World Bank, climate finance has more than doubled under Malpass. It went from $14 billion in fiscal 2019 to almost $32 billion by fiscal 2022. The World Bank states that poverty reduction will continue to be the core of the organization’s mission even as it expands its development agenda.

Researchers found that none of the seven countries in which clients reported climate change as one of their top ten concerns were members the International Development Association (IDA). The IDA program is a World Bank program that provides loans and grants to the most economically disadvantaged countries in the world. Its per capita income is approximately $1,080.

John Kerry, the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, called on African countries to reduce their carbon emissions and help fight climate change. However, Reuters reported that sub-Saharan Africa only accounts for 0.55% of global harmful emissions. Kerry in October called on private companies, international banks, and governments to stop using oil and gas. This was in response to the record profits of oil companies in 2022.

Diana Furchtgott -Roth, Heritage Foundation economist, stated that “one third of the Earth’s population requires dense energy to bring them up to Western standards.” Many emerging economies are subject to frequent power outages, sometimes called load shedding. This is because there is not enough baseload power generated for homes and factories.

Rahul Tongia, a Brookings Institute Senior Fellow, wrote that the world’s poorest countries already produce the lowest amount of greenhouse gasses. Any efforts to develop must include boosting emissions in the short-term. Tongia stated that calling for these nations to reduce their emissions is both unfair and unviable.

Furchtgott Roth told the DCNF that the misguided policies of Western nations to discourage energy use have led to billions of people living in poverty around the globe. “This poverty is collateral harm for the consciences Western elites.”