Trans Inmate Identifies as Infant, Authorities Accommodate Him With Baby Food and Diapers


Transageism, a subculture of LGBTQ, in which adults sexually identify with small children, has reached the penitentiary.

Via The UK Daily Mirror

Guards were required to hold a prisoner who changed from male to female during incarceration because she identified as an infant.

Sophie Eastwood (36), was called Daniel after she used shoelaces to strangle her cellmate in 2004.

Sources inside the prison described Eastwood as “attention-seeking” as well as “manipulative” since she has lived in Her Majesty’s prisons as a woman for the past four years.

Chiefs at Polmont Prison in Brightons, Scotland have been informed by the murderer that she identifies herself as a tot and should be allowed diapers and her meals made like baby food.

She also requested that guards hold her hands when she is being escorted from her cell to her next destination.

Eastwood’s demands are being taken seriously by prison bosses, who have already provided her with a dummy.

(“Nappy” is the Queen’s English for “diaper.”)

My knowledge is that babies don’t usually strangle their cellmates using shoelaces.

Transgenderism is confirmed by Daniel Eastwood. The gentleman “transitioned to womanhood” four years ago but soon realized that it wasn’t enough to make him look as special from the outside. As the practice has become more common within and without state custody, He realized he wasn’t on the cutting edge of social deviancy and he decided to up his game.