In the last few years, conservatives with national profiles have stepped up to fight back against the ever-shifting language games that the Left plays to confuse and demolish social norms such as the family. They also understand the real evil involved in abortion. One example is the pro-abortion movement’s radical progressive allies in Congress and the Biden administration calling the evil procedure “healthcare” while accusing Republicans of wanting the death and/or imprisonment of women who have sought abortion up until the point of giving birth.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has now turned the tables against those attempts. He is turning the argument against pro-abortion people while using their weasel-like logic to turn them against him. It’s masterful.

The Hill:

Texas Governor. Greg Abbott (R), said that victims of rape in Texas can avoid pregnancies using emergency contraceptives such as Plan B. The Dallas Morning News reported Friday.

Texas bans abortions and does not allow exceptions for rape, incest, or other forms of sex.

Abbott said that while we want to support the victims, they also need to ensure that victims have access to health care as soon as possible. This was in an interview with The Dallas Morning News and KXAS-TV. The segment will air Sunday.

He said, “If they access health care immediately, they will be able to get the Plan B Pill that can prevent pregnancy from ever happening.”

According to Hill, Abbott continued:

The Republican governor told “Lone Star Politics”, that reporting a rape will ensure that the perpetrator is arrested and prosecuted.

To be clear, I don’t think that the pro-life Republican governor would want citizens of his state access to an abortion pill similar to “Plan B”. Absolutely not. Would I prefer Abbott to not use the term “health care” when describing any type of abortion method/procedure? Yes.