DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas Jeered For Hiding His Role In Migrant Truck Deaths


President Joe Biden’s Border Chief Alejandro Mayorkas is concealing his role in 51 migrants climbing into a trailer truck to make their dangerous journey to the U.S. Jobs. This despite the fact that his agency is meant to discourage illegal migration.

Overheating in Texas sun caused the deaths of 51 migrants. Mayorkas’ passive-voice evasion was panned by hundreds of Americans.

Mayorkas refuses enforce the nation’s immigration laws, such as detention and deportation for illegal migrants. He sought to blame cartels for helping smuggle migrants, such as the 51 who died in the San Antonio sealed truck.

These migrants followed the same path as many others who had walked or driven through many of the loopholes Mayorkas created along the border.

Mayorkas claims that the cartels are to blame. He tweeted:

Human smugglers can be cruel individuals who do not care about the people they are exploiting and threatening to make a profit.

We will continue to work with our partners to hold those responsible accountable for this tragedy and take action to disrupt smuggling network.

Many people rejected his attempt to avoid responsibility.

JR Brumley replied, “Mayorkas. Sorry my a-s.” These things would not have happened if you did your job. JR Brumley replied that you and others like you are the root of this problem.

Stephen Miller, who was instrumental in reducing the border migration of former President Donald Trump, said “You are responsible”.

Media outlets are trying to identify some of the dead who chose to travel on the dangerous streets made possible by Mayorkas.

Jeroen van Cauwenberghe stated, “So stop promoting travel and do something to secure you border instead of letting in your new voters!”

“There is no doubt that the smugglers often are the most immediate responsible and they truly are the scum on the earth,” Mark Krikorian (director of the Center for Immigration Studies), told Breitbart News June 28. The administration is also responsible for these deaths, as it lures illegal migrants to take such potentially fatal risks.

The D.C. establishment has taken tens of million of illegal migrants and visa workers from low-income countries since at least 1990 to serve as legal and temporary workers, workers, renters, and workers for various U.S. CEOs and investors.

The economic strategy of Extraction Migration is unstoppable. It’s a brutal strategy for ordinary Americans, as it reduces their career opportunities, lowers their wages and housing costs, and has pushed at least ten millions of American men out the labor market.

Because employers can use stoop labor rather than machines, extraction migration also causes distortions in the economy and reduces Americans’ productivity. Also, migration reduces voters’ political power, weakens workers’ rights at work, and widens regional wealth gaps between Democrats’ coastal states and the heartland states and southern states of the Republicans.

Because it allows the wealthy elites to ignore the poor and marginalized Americans at bottom of society, an economy built on extract migration can also alienate young people.

A variety of noble-sounding explanations and excuses cover the extraction migration economic strategy. Progressives, for example, claim that the United States is a “Nation of Immigrants” and that Americans have a responsibility to accept refugees from abroad. They also argue that the state must renew its population.

The colonialism-like economic strategy kills many migrants and exploits poor people. It also splits families because it takes human-resources wealth from the poor countries. Companies are not under pressure from shareholders to develop trade partnerships with poor countries, which would encourage migrants to return to their homelands.

According to polls, there is widespread opposition to labor migration and the inflow temporary workers into jobs that are sought after by U.S. students.

Opposition is growing. It is anti-establishment and multiracial, transsex, nonracist, class-based.