Anti-Israel Activists Come Out in Times Square to Chant Against US, for Yemen


It is more than a bit disconcerting seeing people come out to Times Square and chant in support of Houthi terrorists, who have fired at U.S. assets and forces.

It happened in Times Square last night when leftist groups such as the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) called for a “protest of emergency” after the U.S. and U.K. launched airstrikes against the Houthis on Thursday. Joe Biden issued an official statement with his name on it. He then called a lid and refused to answer any more questions.

The activists, the same people who had participated in the previous protests, reused their “Free Palestine’ signs. This time they added a large banner reading “Stop the U.S. Bombing in Yemen.” Within a few hours, they had 200 protesters out.

The crowd shouted everything from “U.S. and U.K., go to Hell!” It is the right thing to rebel, to say “From Yemen to Palestine imperialism is a criminal,” or even to say “Yemen, Yemen you will rise.”

The protesters also chanted “Stop bombing Yemen, now!” and “From the belly of the beast, keep your hands off the Middle East!”

By the way, that’s what they call the “beast.” They were holding Palestinian flags, and they demanded the U.S. cease all aid to Israel. Also, they chanted that they stood with Yemen. They are chanting in support of those who fire on us and our allies.

Here you can watch them chanting, “U.S.A., UK, go straight to hell!”

Many people commented on their ability to leave so quickly, given that the airstrikes had just occurred. But they have been doing this for years with all sorts of leftist demonstrations. The U.S., U.K., and other countries had warned them that a response would likely be coming. They were able to print the banner because they knew there would be a reaction.

The Houthis say their attacks against shipping in the Red Sea were in support of Hamas. The U.S. responded after the Houthis ignored warnings and carried out their biggest attack to date, which endangered American personnel and partners.

They marched from Times Square up to Columbus Circle. They didn’t seem bothered that the Houthis were the ones who fired on U.S. assets and that this wasn’t started by the U.S. They think that we should lie down when we are fired upon. They’re leftists who cheer on the U.S.

The only person who was arrested seemed to be pro-Israel.

After the airstrikes, they also had people in front of the White House.

Joe Biden was wrong again. The Biden administration had initially removed the terrorist designation from the Houthis. This appeasement appears to have only encouraged them to act out, especially since Iran is backing them. Biden has to make amends for his bad decisions.