Left-Wing Businesses Ban Trump Supporters


According to your perspective, the Supreme Court decision on Friday in 303 Creative V. Elenis will either be remembered as a landmark in American law or infamy. The MSM is rife with accusations that each side’s piece of evidence was fabricated. There are whispers that attorneys will be disbarred for the matter. It didn’t seem to take very long. Even before the ruling, however, the leftists were outraged and claimed that they had the right to refuse to serve conservatives – notably Trump supporters – because of the ruling. CBS reported that Michael Imperioli – known for his roles as a Sopranos actor, Goodfellas actor, and White Lotus actor – declared that homophobes and bigots are not allowed to watch his films. In an Instagram post, he said:

I’ve decided to forbid bigots and homophobes from watching The Sopranos, The White Lotus, Goodfellas, or any movie or tv show I’ve been in. Thank you Supreme Court for allowing me to discriminate and exclude those who I don’t agree with and am opposed to. USA!

The Sopranos is a program that has been hailed as a milestone. What I saw was a violent portrayal of a dysfunctional family, whose problems were made worse by the involvement of their father in organized crime. Michael Franzese, a former mobster, can tell you how the life of a gangster can affect your family. So no Sopranos? We’ll get by. Michael Imperioli might think that his work and he will be a towering figure in our lives for all eternity, but Ozymandias did the same.

Some entrepreneurs and shop owners with a leftist bent have also followed suit. They posted signs in various venues to inform conservatives, Trump supporters, and other usual suspects they were persona non-grata, and that they should move their business elsewhere. These business owners did not experience the fear, panic, and regret they had expected. American Wire provided some examples:

I’ve told this story before. I was told that I would not be ordained into the Episcopal Church because I am straight and white. This was a big blow at first. It didn’t take me long to realize that if they didn’t want to have me around, I shouldn’t try to make myself crazy by trying to fit in. “We’ll both feel happier if I take my faith somewhere else.” I did. Every time I read a news story about the Episcopal Church I am reminded of how God helped me avoid a bullet. And I am grateful.

I would never patronize any business that refused to serve someone because of their race, religion, or national origin. Or even their sexual orientation. But 303 Creative v. Elenis wasn’t about refusing to serve. The case was about forcing someone into a particular belief. A neo-Nazi group could walk into a Jewish baker and ask for a cake shaped like a swastika without this ruling. Westboro Baptist Church might request a gay web designer to create its new website. A church might approach a gay baker and request a large cake with the words “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”.

To the Left, none of this matters. For the progressives, the law is not an equalizer, but a weapon. They own the law, not everyone else. The law is there to confirm and enforce their feelings, and their agenda.

Let them ban Trump supporters and conservatives. Christians and anyone else who may offend the sensitive and sacred sensibilities of their people. Let them all congratulate each other for their outbursts. Let them be bankrupt.