Private schools in the country are training teachers for exposing children as young as four to sexually explicit content, without their parents’ knowledge. This is done under the direction of the National Association Independent Schools.
Breitbart News reviewed a large collection of NAIS documents, teacher trainings, and other materials that were sent to private schools across the country. These documents, and some of the teacher trainings, are labelled “queer” or “LGBTQ+ inclusive and encourage the use of graphic material in Pre-K classes.
Breitbart News reviews a nearly one-hour-long training workshop at NAIS 2020’s flagship conference. It focuses on how to talk with kids about gender, sexuality and identity. The conference covers teaching sex, sexuality and gender identity from Pre-K through Grade 8.
Pre-K is a time when we start to talk about our bodies. We discuss their birth parts, penises, vaginas, and whether they make someone a boy/girl. They also talk about their feelings. What do they feel inside? Do they feel like a girl or a boy? What is their head saying? The lecturer asks, “Do their hearts and bodies match up?”
This section also includes a teacher who talks about how she accidentally drew from the wrong volume and talked to Pre-K children about “the labia and the vulva” and their reactions.
It was my first year, so I was like, “okay, we are just super progressive.” So I got out there guns blazing and just went for it. I ended up discussing the vulva, the labia with PreK’ers. It was one of those moments when everyone is looking at me in horror and I’m like, “oh, no, that’s a big mistake.” It’s just a way of life. “Be kind to yourself as you dig into this stuff,” she advised fellow NAIS educators at the flagship conference.
The lecture was given to Grade 2 students aged seven years old. It explains that they should be taught gender identity in terms of their heads and hearts and the parts of their bodies matching up, and what happens if it doesn’t.
Later, she explains what should be taught in Grade 5. She explains that 10-year-olds need to be taught about “internal genitalia and hormones…chromosomes…something you can only change with a lot of effort,” as well as “gender identity,” gender expression, and “sexual orientation.”
Screengrab taken from a NAIS presentation entitled “Through The Lens of Gender Identity and Sexuality Education: Prepare your PK-8 Students For Their World”
Schools that are NAIS-accredited make every effort to disqualify parents from any sexuality conversations between students and teachers.
“I want to discuss some ways you can set [learning more about sexuality] in motion… starting in preschool. All we have to do is think about the topic the same way we think about other topics… we don’t start in fourth grade with a complicated subject,” the NAIS video “Getting Ready to Get Prepared: How to Implement a PK-5 Sexity Curriculum” begins.
The lecturer then lists potential parental concerns regarding teaching sexuality to children. These are called “Puritan Talk.”
Screengrab taken from a NAIS conference presentation titled: “Getting Ready to Get Prepared: How to Implement a PK-5 Sexity Curriculum”
Breitbart News obtained this story’s materials from an “Undercover Mothers” network across the country. They are working together to expose the NAIS and fight political indoctrination at their children’s schools. This informal, independent group includes participants from all political spectrums, including many moms who were once politically active Democrats.
NAIS member private schools in America have provisions in their enrollment contracts that prohibit parents from “[voicing] strong disagree” with school policies or curricula. The threat of expulsion has been so severe that the identities of mothers who speak out are withheld for fear of retribution.
Many NAIS-accredited schools in the country have banned parents from knowing or being involved with their child’s gender identity.
Breitbart News reviewed an enrollment contract and found that it explicitly stated that “parent/guardian consent will not be a condition for respecting a student’s gender identity.”
“The School will accept any gender identity asserted by students. Students do not need to meet any medical or mental health treatment criteria in order for their gender identity to be recognized and respected. Students who are ready to socially change may request to have their names, pronouns, attire and access to the preferred activities and facilities changed. The enrollment contract states that the School will cooperate with parents/guardians whenever it is possible. However, I/we agree that parental/guardian approval won’t be required for respecting a student’s gender identity.
NAIS schools across the country have been accredited to teach “LGBTQ+ inclusive material” in their curricula and learning materials.
Breitbart News reviewed a NAIS-affiliated school’s mission statement. It states that “We are committed making every member of the community feel that their whole identity is recognized, supported, and appreciated.” We believe that appreciation for diversity and inclusion is vital to our mission and our goals to serve and lead .
A school that has children from “Undercover Mothers”, has hallway posters featuring images of different sexual preferences. These are portrayed as cartoon whales. The illustrations include “pansexuwhale,” ‘bisexuwhale,” and “asexuwhale.” There are also posters that depict various gender expressions in cartoon deer. These illustrations include “transgendeer,” and “gendeerfluid.” They are clearly intended to be appealing to children.
Placards for hallway walls that depict different sexual and gender preferences. (Breitbart News)
Breitbart News received images from other “Undercover Mothers,” who were from another school in a separate state. The posters featured a cartoon gingerbread man called “The Genderbread Person” and illustrates the differences between “Identity,” “Attraction,” and “Expression.”
This school is located in Georgia. It has a book called “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe that students can access at their school library. It includes illustrations of boys engaging oral sex.
“The Genderbread Person”, poster (left) with illustrations from “Gender Queer”, by Maia Kobabe, (right).
Breitbart News interviewed a mother who had to remove her child from a private school that was NAIS-accredited on the West Coast after he was asked to “affirm” his gender at age 8.
“It is evident that our schools, under the direction of NAIS, actively work to rob our kids of their innocence and sow doubt over the most fundamental aspects human nature. This is child abuse at its worst. Young children’s parents should be ashamed. Who do you trust to teach your children? What are they learning about the world? Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers should teach children primary colors and how clay works. “That’s it,” an Undercover mother said in a comment on Breitbart News.
Breitbart News reached out to NAIS for comment but was not able to reach them.
NAIS, the national accreditation organization for private schools in the country, has been registered as a federal 501(c),(3). It is technically forbidden to engage in political advocacy.